Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Tip: Meal Planning, again!

I've addressed meal planning already, but not many people took me up on my FREE offer! I spent too much time on this beautiful planner to let you miss out on it, so here it is again:

Meal Planning is a frontier that a novice mommy rarely entertains. But not YOU, you wise and thrifty, mom of 2+ kids with cheerios on your floor and a pile of laundry at your feet, you know better. You know that a little meal planning goes a long way in helping to fight the dinner doldrums and angry mobs of children who don't want to eat peas and carrots again.

So, in the spirit of sharing, I'm going to let you in on my secret meal-planning weapon. A Meal-planning worksheet that makes it sooooo simple to look like a kitchen pro! I made it myself, because I like things cute, and functional, and I couldn't find anything else on the web that suited my purposes. If you do use it, please leave a comment, or link back to me.

Download it here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/54725424

Tip Junkie handmade projects
Today's Creative Blog


  1. I am a big believer in meal planning - the kids and husband know what's next and the amount of money I save is crazy. I am following you back from the Friday Follow - Sorry I'm late!
    Happy Tuesday

    I've Become My Mother
    Kelly's Ideas
    Amazing Salvation

  2. Visiting via TJ. Thanks for the great meal planner. Meal planning is a must for me and my household.


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